WW II, a British focus  



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These web pages were started about 1995, when there was only about 5 or 6 pages on the net with a "British focus". The web was dominated by a U.S. perspective (naturally, due to the manner in which it was developed). I had found the British pages while attempting to discover something of my late father's military history. I felt it would be convenient if I put links to all the pages together to make it easier for others to find. This might also encourage traffic past my father's page, hopefully exposing it to the person unknown who could help me! Warlinks is the original name I used for the directory I kept on my computer. Here are the two pages I keep covering my father's and grandfather's WWII experience
Sergeant Jack Linder Cull, MM, My father
Corporal William Oliver Pearson, BC(NL), My grandfather on my mother's side
If you would like to contribute to any article
send us mail!

I have put hundreds of dollars into maintaining its presence. Should anyone feel so inclined, I would gratefully appreciate your $support$!

Options for supporters! Wow!
Send the cash in any currency to;
Robert Cull, Box 910, Creston, B.C., V0B 1G0, Canada
Robert Cull, 108 Trading Post Rd., Bonners Ferry, Idaho, 83805 U.S.A.
Simply buy from Books from Amazon.com through this web site! or Amazon's android app and iOS app.
I would very much appreciate receiving your old books covering the World War II period! All types, reference, image, atlas, would be appreciated. They are all useful to draw information from for these pages! If you have any memorabilia which you do not know what to do with, I would like it!

Please consider a link to our site!
and don't forget to add your site to our WEB SITE DATABASE

For a graphic link, copy and paste this code into your .html, then right click on the image, and save it in your appropriate directory

<A HREF="http://www.warlinks.com/index.php" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="british_focus.gif" WIDTH="125" HEIGHT="59" BORDER="0" ALT="World War II, a British focus" ALIGN="Right"></A>

World War II, a British focus

Or for a simple text link copy and past the following into your .html for a simple text link

<A HREF="http://warlinks.com" TARGET="_top">World War II, a British Focus</A>

© Copyright notice: All work on these pages are the electronic property of their respective developers. Images have either been created or modified for use on this site by associates. Original and historical pictures are the property of each, with the hours of image resampling required to bring them to the web ours. We ask you to respect this fact. Information has been created and researched by associates and is not open for copying and re-naming without permission. We have not knowingly used any images created by someone else, with the exception of those paid for as part of an 'image package'.